Change Made Easy

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Change Made Easy

Course Overview:

Change must happen in an organisation, be it through – strategic leadership or via technological methods, many companies are seeing that change management plays an important role during the implementation of new processes. The requirement to change often causes resistance to change as it deemed as extra workload, better understanding is definitely needed to create a workforce that is more open to change. This program will help ease those tensions through better understanding of change.

John Kotter is a Harvard Business School Professor and renowned change expert; we based this program on his widely used change management model. We aim help members understand change in an easy step-by-step model which provides a clear description and guidance through the entire process of change making it relatively easy to implement. The program also emphasizes on the involvement and acceptance of the employees for the success in the overall process.

Course Objectives:

• Understand the Change Management Model
• Apply the steps need to effect change in the workplace
• Create an actionable plan to bring about change in the workplace

Who Should Attend?

Managers and leaders involved in managing and implementing change within their organisation or teams

Course Prerequisites

There are no prerequisites for this course.

Course Content:

Module 1 – Aligning the Organisation
• Creating the sense of urgency
• Developing a team that moves towards change
• Communicate as a team and work as a team

Module 2 – Short Term Wins, Long Term Wins
• Understand the importance of change through action
• Why do we need to adapt to change?

Module 3 – Change in Action
• A case study in change
• Using the change management model

Module 4 – Live creation of an action plan at the workplace
• Work on one thing to change at the workplace
• Commit to actions to keep you focused on the change

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