Growth Mindset and Resilience for Better Teams

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Growth Mindset and Resilience for Better Teams

Course Overview:

Those having a growth mindset believe that intelligence can be developed. Those who focus on learning over smarts, see effort as the key to success, and thrive in the face of a challenge. Those with a fixed mindset believe that all people are born with a certain amount of intelligence, and they can’t do much to change that. They in-turn focus on being smart over learning, studies have now proven that those with a growth mindset do better in work and life. This program shares tips and keys on how to grow this mindset that in-turn will enable us to achieve more at work.

When faced with adversity, how does a person cope or adapt? Why some people seem to bounce back from events much more quickly than others? Why do some people seem to get “stuck” in a point in their life, without the ability to move forward? Psychologists have long studied these issues and have come up with a label: resilience. A person with good resilience has the ability to bounce back more quickly especially so when it comes to the work stresses we face daily. Learn areas to build this resiliency and how it affects our teams and teamwork.

Course Objectives:

This aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to recognize, prevent, and address instances of sexual harassment and workplace harassment, as well as understand the consequences of failing to address misconduct, particularly constructive dismissal.

Who Should Attend?

  • Understand the concept of growth mindset
  • Know the key steps to develop growth mindset
  • Recognise what resilience is
  • Build one’s own resilience and the impact resilience has on teamwork

Course Prerequisites

There are no prerequisites for this course.

Course Content:

MODULE 1 – What is Growth Mindset?
• DISRUPTION what is it?
• The effect of DISRUPTION on an organisational and personal basis
• The 3 keys to managing DISRUPTION
• Rethink the customer experience
• Reinvent the core
• Secure the right capabilities
• Growth Mindset Overview
• What is Growth Mindset?
• Science and research of Growth Mindset
• Neuroplasticity
• How important is intelligence really?

MODULE 2 – Developing the Growth Mindset
• Continuous Learning the key to developing a growth mindset
• Why has growth mindset become so important as of late?
• The 4 angles to focus on in developing oneself
• The impact it has on me

MODULE 3 – Resilience, what’s the hype?
• The 4 quadrants of resilience
• Describe what resilience is
• Identify ways they are already resilient
• Identify additional ways to build resilience
• Adversity and crisis are opportunities
• 5 ways to deal with hardship
• Case Study analysis on resilience

MODULE 4 – Building Bulletproof Teams
• Building my own resilience
• 3 Strategies for building more resilient teams
• Getting a clear vision on the future, past and present

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