Course Overview:
This course is designed to equip participants with advanced skills in Excel automation using Macros and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). It aims to enhance efficiency by enabling users to automate complex and repetitive tasks within Excel.
Course Objective
- Record and Run Macros Easily
- Write VBA Code Manually using Microsoft Excel 2019
- Perform Loops, Controls and Error Handling in Excel Macros
- Create User forms and Sheet Controls in Excel 2019
- Use Events to trigger specific VBA automation code.
- Write Useful Applications That Boost Productivity and Reduce Time on Routine Activities.
Who Should Attend
Business Analysts
Finance & Accounting Professionals
Data Analysts & Reporting Specialists
Project Managers
Administrators & Office Professionals
IT & Support Professionals
Excel Power Users
Course Prerequisites
Basic to Intermediate Excel Skills
Understanding of Data Handling in Excel
Logical Thinking & Problem-Solving
No Prior Programming Experience Required
Course Outline:
Module 1: Realizing the potential of Excel using VBA
- Recognizing the Power of Excel
- Identifying workbooks that support macros
- Showing the Developer Tab
- Understanding Macro Security
- Recording and Running a Macro
Module 2: Understanding the Basics
- Exploring the VB Editor
- Examining Recorded Macro Code
- Introducing the Selection Object
- Understanding Properties, Methods and Parameters
- Using the Line Continuation Character
- Using the With… End With statement
- Writing Comments
Module 3: Working with Variables and Constants
- Understanding the Scope of Variables
- Identifying the different Data Types
- Working with Variables
- Exploring Object Variables
- Declaring and using Constants
Module 4: User Interaction Techniques: Part 1
- Using the InputBox
- Using the Msgbox
Module 5: Overview of Objects
- Introducing the Application Object
- Exploring Workbooks and Workbook Object
- Exploring Worksheets and Worksheets Object
Module 6: Referring to Ranges
- Introducing the Range Object
- Referencing a range using the CurrentRegion Property
- Accessing a range using the UsedRange Property
- Finding the First Cell with data
- Referencing the Last Row and Column in the data range
- Using the Cells Property
- Utilizing the Offset Property while working with Range
- Employing the Resize Property to Change the Size of a Range
Module 7: Control Structures
- Using Loop Constructs: For Loop Statement
- Using Loop Constructs: For…Next Loop
- Using Loop Constructs: Do While…Loop
- Using Loop Constructs: Do Until…Loop
- Exiting a Loop Early
- Nesting Loops
- Working with Conditional Constructs: If…Then…Else
- Working with Conditional Constructs: Select Case
Module 8: User-Defined Functions
- Exploring Commonly Used VBA Functions
- Creating User-Defined Functions
- Executing User-Defined Functions
- Sharing User-Defined Functions
Module 9: Event Programming
- Creating a Custom Button to execute code
- Understanding Event Parameters
- Working with Worksheet Events
- Working with Workbook Events
Module 10: Using VBA to Create Pivot Tables
- Introducing Pivot Tables
- Building and Editing Pivot Tables using VBA
- Auto Refreshing Pivot Tables using VBA
Module 11: User Interaction Techniques: Part 2
- Creating UserForms
- Understanding and Using ActiveX Controls
- Programming the ActiveX Controls
Module 12: Creating Charts
- Charting in Excel
- Referencing Charts Objects using VBA
- Creating and Modifying the Chart
Module 13: Handling Errors
- Identifying the Different Types of Errors
- Debugging Tools: Stepping through Code
- Debugging Tools: Breakpoint
- Debugging Tools: Immediate Window
- Debugging Tools: Watch Window
- Handling Errors by Choosing to Ignore Them
- Employing Basic Error Handling with the On Error GoTo Syntax
Module 14: Useful Macros
- Selecting Special Cells
- Using Autofilter instead of Loops
- Combining Workbooks
- Separating data into different Worksheets