Situational Leadership: The Managerial Essential

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Situational Leadership: The Managerial Essential

Course Overview:

Situational Leadership is one of the managerial essentials, which stresses both relationship and task behaviours in execution effectiveness plus efficiency. Adopting the principles of Situational Leadership can equip leaders/ managers in your organization with the tools necessary to skilfully navigate the workforce towards operational excellence. With high adaptability to any circumstance, the model prepares leaders/ managers to address the most pressing challenges in today’s work environment.

Course Objectives:

  • Identify the 2 key factors in situational leadership application at the workplace,
  • Apply the 4 key leadership styles at the workplace with high influence,
  • Manage the 4 maturity levels of workforce tactfully,
  • Link the concept of situational leadership to the 3 managerial essentials (plan, organise, control) effectively

Course Prerequisites

There are no prerequisites for this course.

Course Content:

Module 1: Understand the Concept of Situational Leadership
• Background of situational leadership
• Success stories of situational leadership application

Module 2: Identify the TWO (2) Key Factors in Situational Leadership
• Key Factor 1: Leaders’ behaviour
o Understand leaders’ relationship behaviour (supportive behaviour) at the workplace
o Understand leaders’ task behaviour (directive behaviour) at the workplace
• Key Factor 2: Followers’ readiness or maturity level
o Understand followers’ low readiness/ maturity level at the workplace
o Understand followers’ moderate readiness/ maturity level at the workplace
o Understand followers’ high readiness/ maturity level at the workplace

Module 3: Determine the FOUR (4) key leadership styles at the workplace and how to apply them effectively
• Leadership Style 1: TELLING
o What should a leader do to provide specific instructions?
o What should a leader do to closely supervise performance?
• Leadership Style 2: SELLING
o What should a leader do to explain decisions?
o What should a leader do to provide opportunity for clarification?
• Leadership Style 3: PARTICIPATING
o What should a leader do to share ideas?
o What should a leader do to facilitate decision making?
• Leadership Style 4: DELEGATING
o What should a leader do to turn over responsibilities for decisions and implementation?

Module 4: Determine the FOUR(4) maturity level of followers at the workplace and how to lead them effectively
• Follower’s Maturity 1: Unable and unwilling or insecure
o Which leadership should we apply to suit this followers’ maturity level?
• Follower’s Maturity 2: Unable but willing or confident
o Which leadership should we apply to suit this followers’ maturity level?
• Follower’s Maturity 3: Able but unwilling or insecure
o Which leadership should we apply to suit this followers’ maturity level?
• Follower’s Maturity 4: Able and willing or confident
o Which leadership should we apply to suit this followers’ maturity level?

Module 5: Establish the linkage between situational leadership and managerial effectiveness
• What should practitioners of situational leadership concept do towards effective PLANNING at the workplace?
• What should practitioners of situational leadership concept do towards effective ORGANISING of manpower at the workplace?
• What should practitioners of situational leadership concept do towards effective CONTROLLING of workforce at the workplace?

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